How To Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu 20.04

MongoDB is a NoSQL database, which is cross-platform, document oriented database. MongoDB able to offer high performance, high availability and scalability. The MongoDB advantages over RDMS – No complex join – Easy to scale – Schema less – High speed – NoSQL injection Install Dependency We’ll need this dependency later on instalation process. It’s better … Read more

How To Install Unbound Local DNS Resolver on Ubuntu 20.04

Unbound can be used for recursive and caching DNS servers. For many companies that use their own domain to serve internal application or website can utilize Unbound for that purpose. Unbound can handle IPv4 and IPv6 just fine, depend on your network configuration. If unbound used for company-wide DNS server, it will make the resolution … Read more

How To Install Samba File Server on Ubuntu 20.04

A Samba enables file sharing across different operating systems over a network (LAN or INTERNET). Samba supports sharing between Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS. For HTPC samba can be used to share content between your NAS to Jellyfin or Plex media server. Install and Update Ubuntu 20.04 Update the packages to the latest available … Read more

How To Install Ampache Audio Streaming with SSL on Debian 10

A lot audio/video application combined out there, such as Plex, Emby or Jellyfin. But most of them develop as video streamer which make the user experience for streaming audio less interested. For many years I’ve been use ampache on AWS EC2 to stream my music. I’ve large music collection, about 100GB from various country/genre, Ampache … Read more

How to Install TigerVNC Server on CentOS 8

On this mini how to, we’ll learn step by step to install TigerVNC server on CentOS 8. TigerVNC has been around for long time, it’s stable and already on CentOS 8 official repository. Because it’s already there, well use that, and to make the instalation more beginner friendly, since the packages created to work by … Read more

How To Install Shadowsocks Proxy on Debian 10

Shadowsocks is a well-known sock5 proxy, it’s fast and easy to install. Compared to other clients shadowsocks is the most active developed sock5 proxy client and server. SOCK5 proxy usually uses port 1080, but it can use any port. Shadowsocks can run on TCP or UDP, so it’s really flexible to use depend on what … Read more

How to Install LibreOffice 7 on Ubuntu 20.04

LibreOffice 7 has been out for a month, bust most distro still uses old LibreOffice 6, especially Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10. For who need the LibreOffice 7 must install them manually, which this tutorial for. The how to install LibreOffice 7 will suitable even for beginners because it just a few simple commands and … Read more

How To Install Free SSL Alternative to Lets Encrypt

As you might notice, we use Let’s Encrypt for our tutorial, beside of Let’s Encrypt there are more alternative in free SSL world which supports ACME protocol. We preferred ACME because it has many different client support and compatible with them. Some alternative to Let’s Encrypt, and If the limit of Let’s Encrypt … Read more

How To Troubleshooting DNS on Linux

At some point, DNS will make its way to you. For the older generation System Administrator, there is a famous quote “It is always DNS”. DNS propagation in some countries might take 1×24 hour to propagated, the ISP had some weird caching technique. To troubleshooting DNS problem on Linux use dig or nslookup. TTL (time … Read more

How To Securing SSH with SSHGUARD on Debian 10

Once the SSH server started, the bots will randomly try brute-force the SSH server, some servers need to keep using default port 22 for various reasons. The most reasonable reason is to whitelist the IP address of the users or use IPv6 which had less bot brute-forcing your server. Another solution is using sshguard, sshguard … Read more