How To Upgrade Fedora 32 to Fedora 33 Right Away

Fedora 33 just released today, if you preferred using the latest and the greatest version of Fedora right away, Fedora had a dnf plugin to upgrade the system without much hassle. I’ve been done this a few times, it always smooth when upgrading between version. If you had a third party repository delete all of them first, and then install them later.

Fedora 33 features :
– BTRFS file system by default (if upgrading from other versions, the current file system will stay)
– JAVA 11
– GNOME 3.38
– systemd-resolved enabled by default
– nano is the default text editor.
– Python 3.9
– Docker is not supported yet (use podman as an alternative).

Performing Updates

Time to do the upgrade, it might take an hour or more to depend on the harddisk and internet speed.

1. Update the current system to the latest version

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

Since I regurally update my system there wont any update, in your case if there’s update, install all of them then reboot the computer.
fedora 32 fresh upgrade

2. Install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade

sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade

install dnf plugin for upgrading system

3. Download upgraded version

sudo dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=33

When asked “Before you continue ensure that your system is fully upgraded by running “dnf –refresh upgrade”. Do you want to continue [y/N]: ” enter y. To start downloading Fedora 33 packages.
dnf upgrade notification

Wait a minute or more until dnf has done checking what needs by your system. When asked “DNF will only download packages, install gpg keys, and check the transaction.
Is this ok [y/N]: y” enter y

dnf about to download everything

Accept the new GPG Key, because Fedora use different key for every release.
dowload fedora 33 completed

4. Upgrade system
The next step is to upgrade the system, remember to save and close everything before rebooting your computer.

sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

This process will installing all Fedora 32 packages after booting which may take sometimes to finish.
Fedora 33 upgrade started

After booting, clean all metadata and cached leftover from the previous upgrade process.

sudo dnf system-upgrade clean

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