How to Manage Grafana Users with Keycloak OpenID

In this tutorial, we’ll use Keycloak to manage Grafana users. Keycloak is a well-known application in SSO (Single Sign On) space, it can handle SAML and OpenID (OAuth), depending on your company internal, you can use LDAP in Keycloak or Google Workspace as the user base if your company uses Google Workspace for email. Since Grafana had the ability to use custom OAuth, we’ll utilize this setting to combine Keycloak with Grafana.

By default Grafana have 3 roles :
Admin : Can create, edit, or delete a dashboard.
Viewer : Can create, edit, or delete a dashboard.
Editor : Can only view dashboards and folders.

We’ll use these roles and assign users to one of that roles, depending on the user’s access.

For this tutorial, we’ll use the docker image. Using the standalone or Kubernetes version didn’t have much difference in the configuration itself. Don’t worry we’ll put the screenshot and step-by-step tutorial, so users without any experience with Keycloak or Grafana should be able to run this tutorial in less than 1 hour.

Keycloak Setting

Run Keycloak

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin start-dev --features-disabled=admin2

Open http://localhost:8080/admin from browser. Use username: admin password: admin
keycloak admin login

1. Create Realm

Let’s create a new realm and name it “internal”
create internal realm

2. Create Realm Roles

We’ll create the same roles as Grafana roles. Click Roles, click Add role
create realm roles
Create 3 different roles:
Admin, Viewer, and Editor

realm roles created

3. Create Client

Click the Clients menu on the left, then click Add client
create new client grafana

Client ID : grafana
CLient Protocol : openid-connect

in the next window, change Access Type to confidential
openid confidential setting

then click Save at the bottom. On Credentials tab, copy the secret
copy openid client secrets
We’ll use this secret later on the Grafana config.

5. Create Mappers

Still on grafana clients, click Mappers tab, then click create
keycloak client roles mapper

Name : roles
Mapper Type : User Realm Role
Token Claim Name : roles

We’ll send this role along with user information. Grafana will assign a user role based on this value.

4. Create Users

Create three users with different roles. For simplicity’s sake, I’ll add users with the same username as their role.

Click menu Users, Add user. We’ll create admin user
create admin user keycloak

Username : admin
Email :
First Name : Admin
Last Name : User
User Enabled : ON
Email Verified : ON

After the admin user is created, set the password. Click Credentials
set user keycloak credentials

Password : SUP3rSTR0ngP4SS
Password Confirmation : SUP3rSTR0ngP4SS
Temporary : OFF

Click tab Role Mappings
Under Realms Mapping, choose Admin, click Add selected
add user role

Create 2 more users but with different role


We’re done with the Keycloak configuration, we’ll move to Grafana.

Grafana Setting

For the Grafana configuration it’s the easiest part, because Grafana support OAuth by default, we only need to include the OAuth config when running the docker

We’ll run the Grafana with these environment variables

// client name
// client secret
// user role mapping, if the user doesn't belong to Admin or Editor, assign the Viewer role.
GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_ROLE_ATTRIBUTE_PATH="contains(roles[*], 'Admin') && 'Admin' || contains(roles[*], 'Editor') && 'Editor' || 'Viewer'"

replace with your computer IP address. For my computer

$ hostname -I

Actually, I prefer my computer IP Address to Docker IP ( because I can access this docker from my LAN. We can’t use localhost host here, because localhost translated to Grafana itself.

Run Grafana

docker run -p 3000:3000 -e GF_SERVER_DOMAIN="" -e GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL="" -e GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_ENABLED="true" -e GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_NAME="Keycloak" -e GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_ALLOW_SIGN_UP="true" -e GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="grafana" -e GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="rrtdeUd7F57jxJVNVynNbs8VyWw6sgmN" -e GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_SCOPES=profile -e GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_AUTH_URL="" -e GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_TOKEN_URL="" -e GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_API_URL="" -e GF_AUTH_GENERIC_OAUTH_ROLE_ATTRIBUTE_PATH="contains(roles[*], 'Admin') && 'Admin' || contains(roles[*], 'Editor') && 'Editor' || 'Viewer'" grafana/grafana-oss

Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser
sign in with keycloak
at the bottom of login page click “Sign in with Keycloak” button.
First, we’ll log in as admin users.
login as admin for grafana
after login, you’ll see the Grafana web UI
grafana as admin user


If you forgot to set the role, you’ll get this error messages
user dont have any role

login.OAuthLogin(missing saved state)

1 thought on “How to Manage Grafana Users with Keycloak OpenID”

  1. I get the same error, but why isn’t the account assigned “Viewer” as that is the default defined in the grafana configs when the sourght for roles admin/editor is not part of the token.


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