Let say we manage 50 WordPress website which using some server. The best practice for any software is if there’s a stable update we’ll update after sometimes, on my terms usually one week after WordPress release. Manual update is wasting a lot of time because you need to log in one by one and click the update button.
But no need to worry, we can create a simple script to automatically WordPress update, including themes and plugins. We’ll create a wrapper that utilizes WP-CLI. I usually manage all of my websites under /var/www/{DOMAIN}
Create /opt/wp.sh
file the copy following script
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Automate WordPress update WPCLI='/usr/local/bin/wp' WEBROOT='/var/www' USER="www-data" if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "Run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $WPCLI ]; then wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar -O /usr/local/bin/wp chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wp echo "WP-CLI instalation done." fi for a in $(ls -d $WEBROOT/*/); do cd "$a" if [[ -d "wp-admin" ]]; then echo "WordPress: $a" sudo -u $USER wp core update; sudo -u $USER wp plugin update --all; sudo -u $USER wp theme update --all fi cd - &>/dev/null done
this script runs as a root, then the update run as the webserver user itself, normally nginx, apache or www-user. Since WP-CLI using the WordPress database configuration we don’t need a separate configuration for the database, it’s straight forward installation.
Give the script executable permission
chmod +x /opt/wp.sh
Then run the script for the first time
What is the script do:
1. Check if wp-cli is installed, if not it’ll download the latest version.
2. Check for WordPress on every folder under /var/www
3. If WordPress is found, update core, themes, and plugins to the latest version
Output of these script
WordPress: /var/www/atetux.com/ Success: WordPress is up to date. Success: Plugin already updated. Success: Theme already updated. WordPress: /var/www/SECRET/ Success: WordPress is up to date. Enabling Maintenance mode... Downloading update from https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/really-simple-ssl.5.0.5.zip... Unpacking the update... Installing the latest version... Removing the old version of the plugin... Plugin updated successfully. Disabling Maintenance mode... Success: Updated 1 of 1 plugins. +-------------------+-------------+-------------+---------+ | name | old_version | new_version | status | +-------------------+-------------+-------------+---------+ | really-simple-ssl | 5.0.4 | 5.0.5 | Updated | +-------------------+-------------+-------------+---------+
that’s is, a simple script but powerful.